Hey you! I'm Chynna. Thanks for dropping by to check out my little internet corner. Opposite to the start of my Instagram page (which I think you should follow now that it is no longer under construction. Username: inspired_by_chynna), when I started blogging I knew exactly what I wanted to share. After years of multiple experiences and issues not limited to any one thing, I did some soul searching to identify who I really was. I remember asking myself this particular question, "Do you really want to be that person? Will your circumstances define you or will you define them?". I made a decision then that would follow me throughout the rest of my life, to overcome whatever struggles I'm faced with. I know it's hard, it took me years to get here. Funny too, someone told me just the other day that I'm too positive and that they fear that one day reality may hit and pop that little bubble I'm in. Sigh, I can't even say I pity that person, because truth is, I fought for the person I am today, and people will see you smiling all the time and they don't really know what goes on in your head. Nonetheless, pain taught me strength and through those experiences, I will share encouraging, inspirational, motivational, and uplifting content, views, opinions, and thoughts. I can understand if you hate reading, I once did, but I promise not to write epistles 🤞. Here's a SHORT story about why I'm sharing my blog with you. If something bothers you and I tell you "stop worrying, things will work out"...just like that, chances are you will still worry right? But... If I shared an experience with you and told you "stop worrying, things will work out", you would probably feel more encouraged to stop worrying or at least worry a little less than you would before. It's like working out. If you work out at home, let's say 60% of the time you will feel demotivated. How do you fix that? Well, if you're like me, you'd probably start considering signing up for the gym. That way you are sure to exercise because you don't want to waste the money you paid and you have all the right types of equipment for just about every workout. Sometimes we just need a little push. Like the gym, sharing my experiences will help to give you that push you need, a reminder that you are more than capable of overcoming just about anything you are faced with.
While I'm at it, here are 10 things you should know me:
1. I am a firm believer in God
2. I am a Seventh Day Adventist Christian by choice
3. I attend the Northern Caribbean University where I am pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in Social Work
4. I'm an extrovert with introverted tendencies (Ambivert)
5. I believe in marriage before kids
6. I was born in the second best month of the year, September #TeamVirgo :) P.S. December being the first of course
7. I am very straightforward which is often mistaken as being rude
8. I am very helpful, kind, loving and friendly P.S. if you see me walking with my face looking anything but friendly, don't mind it, just say hi 😉
9. I love encouraging people to do what they see as impossible
10. I am very open-minded but opinionated, it doesn't go hand in hand, I know. It is just to say that I'm non-judgemental and open to the views of others while still holding to my beliefs
11. I believe "everything happens for a reason"
12. I LOVE a positive environment
13. I will NOT dwell anywhere negativity is present
14. I tend not to worry about the things I cannot change
15. I don't believe blood is thicker than water, I believe in loyalty all the way
16. I try to see the good in what seems like a bad situation
17. I enjoy singing, writing, making new friends, cooking, and doing anything that spells fun
18. A quality I possess and admire about myself is my ability to forgive and see the best in people
19. I have a very shy-bold personality (only a few will understand this because people tend to think I'm always brave) or maybe I should say I have a very bold personality with shy tendencies
20. I talk a lot, SOMETIMES 🙄
P.S. I know I said I'd list 10 things about myself but I somehow ended up listing 20. Did you realize? That's the talker in me 😌
Anyhoo, that's a wrap. I hope you enjoyed getting to know a little about me. Until next time, take care!